Our most current newsletter is out. It is being released an article at a time; if you want full newsletters when they are published, join us!

The Contents:

Love in a time of persecution - by Ann Craig. Details some of the work of Affirmation in Uganda, where there is a death penalty for being gay.

General Conference is coming! - May, 2016 in Portland. Read about the Coalition of which we are a part.

Affirmation WILL be at General Conference! - by Walter Lockhart. We are United Methodist. This is our church.

Financing Affirmation at GC 2016 - By Jan Hensley-Olson. Affirmation will be in Portland to make its presence known, just like it has for every General Conference since 1976.  You can participate! Read more!

The LGBTQ Scene in Portland - By Steve Mallett. A primer on the LGBTQ scene that attendees to the upcoming General Conference in Portland, OR.

National Affirmation Council meets, October 2015. The council met in Nashville. Read about the meeting.

The council has published short biographical sketches of the leadership of Affirmation United Methodist.

Love Your Neighbor Coalition: A Vision for The United Methodist Church - an introduction to the Vision statement!